>> DC++ 0.4034 changelog << http://hannes.gameplanet.cz http://Www.czhannes.com * Help file additions (thanks naga & ullner) * Fixed a few issues with files not being hashed correctly (thanks garg) * More ADC fixes (thanks sed) * Fixed some ADLSearch stuff (thanks garg) * Added item count to finished frames (thanks garg) * Fixed user commands encoding (thanks garg) * Added last search time to search spy (thanks ullner) * Fixed queue size growing on queue item move * Fixed missing file list on 0 byte share * Fixed missing search results (thanks garg) >> CZDC++ 0.4032[B] changelog << * Opravena chyba ktera zpusobovala pri otevirani pm ci filelistu na pozadi ze se vsechna maximalizovana okna zmensila. * Prepsana kompletne upload queue. Konecne funguije korektne mazani polozek a to i klavesou DELETE ;) * Zrusen veskery search alternativ podle nazvu souboru, nyni je pouze podle TTH. * Odebran alternativni search string s queue. * Max povolena velikost email adresy je nyni 64 znaku. * Pridano lepsi razeni cisel u stringu v listech. * Zmenen format temp souboru, nejdriv nazev souboru, pak az TTH, pripona je .tdc * Opraven maly bug v podpore QuickListu.