DC++ 0.307 changelog * Experimental release, lots and lots of core code has changed => high fatal bug probability. * Fixed full name being displayed in user commands with submenus * Bloom filters dramatically improve cpu efficiency on incoming searches (if you have a large share) * Auto match results shown in status bar * Added option to match autosearch filenames exactly to further avoid the wrong file being downloaded (default on) * End of zlib transfer test period, semantics slightly changed ($GetTestZBlock -> $GetZBlock, $Sending changed) * Speed increase when loading shares with many files of the same size (thanks farcry) * Added file hashing, turn it off in advanced settings (experimental) * Merkle trees and tiger hashing added for TTH hash support * Compression totally rewritten, should also fix a few minor issues * Compression (GetZBlock) and hashing (TTHSearch) is advertised to hubs through $Supports, I advise hubs to advise its users to keep at least hashes on so that searching by hashes will work efficiently (as it's only useful if all clients on the hub support it). * Fixed bug where no/invalid file listing would be written if there was no disk space (the old one is used now instead...) * XML File lists that contain hashes if available, and support full utf-8 names (correct viewing is not guaranteed, but download should work) * Upgraded to zlib 1.2.1 (thanks garg) * Extra column for hub in transfer list (thanks torgny nyblom) * Copy nick to clipboard in transfer list (thanks torgny nyblom) * Files starting with a '.' are no longer shared if hidden files are not shared (...unix...) * Fixed a minor memory leak when an invalid search result is returned (exploitable minor security issue) * Slight speedup of file list loading * File IO rewritten (major change) * Rollback no longer depends on buffer size * /rebuilddb rebuilds the hash database and potentially reduces the size of the raw hash data file (also checks its integrity) * Ip column in transfer list (thanks cologic) * Scrollbar for multiline messages (thanks garg) * Fixed an issue with icon transparencies (thanks garg)