DC++ changelog 0.306 -- 0.306 -- * Fixed an issue with UNC paths (those starting with "\\") * Changed autosearch so that it only searches if less than 5 sources are online, this should stop galloping filelist downloads as well * Upgraded to WTL 7.1, should fix a few UI issues * Fixed brightness of compressed transfer progress bars * Fixed a crash with badly formatted compressed transfer requests * Some work on memory managment, dramatically improving DC++'s behaviour with large queues / shares * Auto-match queue is only done on exact match * Fixed a bug in the compressor that may have caused compressed uploads not to finish and/or 100% cpu * The sound part of partially corrupted queues is now recovered * When opening a file list from search results, the file's directory is automatically shown * An extra buffer flush is done to ensure that file lists are fully written to disk * Readme automatically shown for new users (thanks johnny) * Filename is shown on transfer error (no slots etc) (thanks ciber) * Ctrl-tab order is now the standard last-seen * Added support for user command menu subitems (add a '\' to the name) * Fixed locale setting bug * Added option to automatically add items to queue from ADL search (thanks twink) * Fixed share sizes not being updated with the "share hidden" box (thanks theparanoidone) * Directories with '$' in the name are no longer shared (they can't be downloaded) * Favorite users can now have descriptions * Added filesize and filesizeshort to search frame %[...] macros (thanks gadget) * Added option not to log filelist transfers * Fixed some issues with being / not being op